Have you ever thought about writing your story? ➡️ Are you a leader who wants to author a nonfiction book? ➡️ Do you want to have more impact or build your legacy? ➡️ Do you ever wonder, “Does the world…
HOW TO BUILD A BUSINESS | LESSONS FROM 30 YEARS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP Have you ever wondered what tools graphic designers used before they had computers? This month I'm celebrating 30 years of business as a graphic designer, a published illustrator,…
Dear Illustrator: You've been hired to create illustrations for a book! Awesome! Maybe it's a children's book, charts and graphs, accent illustrations, or epic cover artwork—whatever you're drawing, let's make sure you're on the road to success before you even…
IT'S IN THE DETAILS: I often get emails from my clients like this - "Becky - I need an ad for this {insert the client's industry magazine, trade publication, event}, I bought a quarter page ad and the deadline was…