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Well after attending the Social Fresh conference last week, I found out about another here in Nashville – Blissdom

“Blissdom is the premiere conference for women who find and express their bliss by publishing online.  Blissdom ‘10, our third conference, is a welcoming oasis in the ever-changing blogging world. Speakers and panels featuring the best blogging, public relations and social media pros will be gathering to mentor new and old friends alike.”

I was VERY DISAPPOINTED to find out it was sold out, two weeks before the event – but that tells you how excited everyone about this topic! I’ve signed up on the waiting list, since I’m only 20 minutes away, it’s easy for me to get there at the last minute. I’m also signing up for a free give away of tickets too – whatever it takes.

After moving here eight months ago, I realize how difficult it is to re-establish myself to the point I had in Central New York. Twenty years of networking had built a very large connection of women, now I feel a little lost in this much larger city. As a self-employed person, it’s easy to stay cooped up in my office, and not reach out. I was hoping to start connecting with the woman at Blissdom as well as learn about a topic I use everyday.  So if anyone has an extra ticket – let me know…I’d love to attend!

Becky Bayne

Becky Bayne is a self-publishing expert, an award-winning international book designer, a published illustrator, and an experienced graphic design entrepreneur, she offers authors a less stressful design + self-publishing experience working with each one personally throughout the process. She loves brainstorming with her clients about all the options for designing their unique book as they begin their authorprenerial journey.

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