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Ten Lessons Learned as a self-employed Graphic Designer

By May 31, 2011July 11th, 2014The Business of Graphic Design

Next May (2012) will be my 20th year in business!  Many things have changed since 1992, but I have 10 specific things I’ve learned since I started my business that continue to help me succeed today.

10. Plan well and be organized.

9. Don’t do what you aren’t good at – find help!

8. Continuing Education is extremely important.

7. An empty checkbook is a great motivator.

6. Bill collecting can take some creativity.


4. Friends are more important than money.

3. Client Relationships really matter.

2. You can move a business across the country.

1. I’m braver than I thought!

to be continued…

Becky Bayne

Becky Bayne is an international book designer, a published illustrator, and an experienced graphic design entrepreneur. She loves brainstorming with her clients about all the options for designing their unique book for self-publishing as they begin their authorprenerial journey.

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