Hey there! I’m Kayla.
As a child, I dug all of the scrap paper from the trash to feed my incessant need to draw. When I later learned that I could pursue a career in the arts via graphic design, I was ready to jump on board!
I am currently enrolled in Nossi College of Art in Nashville, TN, studying Graphic Design. I was very fortunate to land an internship with Becky in 2018, and I’ve been learning from her ever since!
While schooling surely has its values, it can’t replace the wisdom of experience, and Becky has a well of insights to share with me. I have performed even better in my classes since beginning work with her!
If you don’t find me at work, school, or church, I’m probably on the back of my mule! I love to delve into nature and explore God’s creation with my favorite long-eared companion. I also have two Bearded Dragons. My oldest dragon is thirteen now, and still likes to bask in the yard, eat clover, and chase bugs.